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Passivhaus and Low Energy

Eco-Friendly Living, Discover Passivhaus Low Energy Buildings in Suffolk and Essex

Passivhaus and Low Energy buildings are warm, quiet, draft free and inexpensive to run.

To deliver these homes we design properties using all the following principles, high levels of insulation, solar gain, draft free details, modern ventilation, and efficient form. Working on these areas to minimise losses and maximise gains will result in a house with a very high quality internal living environment, with very low running costs.

The ‘Passivhaus standards’ have been continually developed by the Passivhaus Institute in Germany since the late 1970’s and is certified through an exacting quality assurance process.

The Passivhaus standard is a Performance Standard. There are various levels for differing situations: Passivhaus Classic, Passivhaus Plus, and Passivhaus Premium, these can be applied to new buildings that are of  traditional or contemporary designs and are either residential or commercial.

EnerPHit is the standard for a deep retrofit programme on an existing building.

Achieving the PH standard, or a High performance Low Energy building is tough, there will be many challenges through the design and construction process, therefore it is crucial that the brief from you is clear from the start. It is very difficult to apply the ‘standard’ midway through the design process.

The principal tool we use to design a Passivhaus or Low Energy building is the PassivHaus Planning Package (PHPP). Through years of continual improvement this software will accurately calculate the performance of a building.

Would you like to know more?

Advantages of Passivhaus:

  • High levels of thermal comfort – the temperature will be consistent in all corners of all rooms throughout the year.
  • Low energy costs – particularly the heating.
  • Environmentally friendly – low energy use and extended lifespan of the building.
  • Healthy environment – particularly the air quality.
  • No drafts – eliminated through attention to detail of the design, drafts are uncomfortable and can make the interior of a building feel 2 degrees colder.
  • Low levels of noise – almost no external sound transfer.
  • Energy security – you will be significantly protected from energy costs are likely to rise in the future.
  • Enhanced lifespan of the building – because the building is constructed to the highest standards it will last longer with less maintenance.
  • Enhanced value – enhanced resell value of the building.

Principles of Passivhaus:

  • Compact building form factor – the ratio between the external thermal surface area and internal floor area is minimised for efficiency.
  • Super insulation – a continuous extra thick insulation thermal envelope to minimise heat loss.
  • MVHR – Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, minimising heat loss whilst providing fresh air.
  • Fenestration – High quality triple glazed Passivhaus approved doors and windows.
  • Glazing – orientated to optimise solar gain in the heating season.
  • Shading – to prevent summer overheating.
  • Thermal bridges – thermal bridge free construction.
  • Air barrier – continuous air barrier preventing any drafts.

If you have a project at the initial stage which requires the dwelling to be extremely energy efficient and the highest quality environment to live in; then we would love to talk with you.

Below is a list of some UK Passivhaus projects that we love.

Carrowbreck Meadow Norwich
Cannock Mill Cohousing

For more projects on the Passivhaus Trust Website go to:

The links below will detail more information about the principles.
If you would like to commission a Passivhaus building we would love to talk with you.

Passivhaus Trust

United Kingdom
Passivhaus Website

Passivhaus Institute

Passivhaus Website)


(Building Research Establishment)


(Association for Environment Conscious Building)