Project: Change of use of a Grade 1 Listed property from Residential to a Kitchen restaurant & Bar, Lavenham
Location: Lavenham, Suffolk
This impressive Grade 1 listed property has in more recent years remained empty; prior to that it was used as a holiday home for the owners, though now no longer required for that purpose.
The proprietors (At Number Ten) liaised with the property owners to create a business that, whilst retaining the atmosphere of an ancient past in this stunning and historically significant building, would make it available to all in Lavenham and surrounding area.
We worked with the clients, the Conservation Officer, Planning Officer, Fire Officer, Environmental Health Officer, and the Building Control Officer to compile an application for the change of use.
The building is regarded as the 3rd most important building in Lavenham, and stringent care had to be taken to ensure that all that was proposed would be in the buildings best interest. Once this was achieved the Conservation Officer supported the application and indeed saw great benefit in the building being made available and shared with all.
A major aspect of the application was to ensure that as a commercial building, the Building Regulations were complied with, but also sensitive to its Grade 1 status. The imaginative design and installation of a discrete and high quality sprinkler system provided by a local company completely satisfied both the Fire Officer and therefore the Building Regulations.
To enable the fullest use to be made of the businesses potential, we also negotiated with and on the client’s behalf signage, lighting and hours of use, to achieve a workable Planning approval and Listed Building Consent.
The business opened in late 2013 and has flourished, going from strength to strength and has become an integral aspect of the facilities available in the important medieval village of Lavenham. Both the owners of the building and the owners of the business are extremely pleased with the outcome.
Why not take a look? Visit for yourselves and sample the delightful fare offered, for more information visit: